Happiness is a state of mind, a choice, a way of living; it is not something to be achieved, it is something to be experienced.

Steve Maraboli
Happiness is a state of mind, a choice, a way...
Happiness is a state of mind, a choice, a way...
Happiness is a state of mind, a choice, a way...
Happiness is a state of mind, a choice, a way...
About This Quote

Nobel Laureate and author, John Steinbeck, said, “Happiness is a state of mind.” In this quote he is explaining the importance of taking control of your happiness. He is saying that it doesn’t exist on its own and you can’t just sit back and wait to experience it. He also points out that happiness is something we create by our choices and we can choose to be happy or not.

Source: Unapologetically You: Reflections On Life And The Human Experience

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More Quotes By Steve Maraboli
  1. It’s hard to communicate anything exactly and that’s why perfect relationships between people are difficult to find.

  2. Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live.

  3. Be steady and well-ordered in your life so that you can be fierce and original in your work.

  4. There is not a particle of life which does not bear poetry within it

  5. One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels.

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